Summer 2024

An update for Summer 2024. The accompanying photograph (credit: Marcus Roth) is from our production of Britten’s Curlew River performed at this year’s 75th Aldeburgh Festival in June. Directed by Deborah Warner and musical directed by Audrey Hyland, the performance is due for BBC broadcast in the autumn.

Up next, I perform the male lead in the world première of Paul Carr’s Under the Greenwood Tree (a setting of Thomas Hardy’s novel) for Dorset Opera’s 50th anniversary season.

In August, I’ll join the ensemble at IF Opera (formerly Iford Arts), performing the role of Falke in Die Fledermaus directed by Simon Butteriss.

And in September/October I’ll be covering the role of Marcello in Puccini’s La Bohème for English National Opera.

I am pleased to share the following video of Mahler’s “Ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen” (Rückert-Lieder) with George Ireland at the piano (engineer Tom Perkins)

Please see SCHEDULE for more forthcoming performance details.

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